President’s Message
Greater Philadelphia Chapter Tuskegee Airmen, Inc is a 501c3 non-profit organization that focuses on sustaining the legacy of the heroic men and women that served as Tuskegee Airmen during WWII. Our membership is proud to honor our history while work to enhance the future for all. We do this by accomplishing our three-fold mission:
- Sustain the Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen
- Provide Flight experience, Drone training, Robotics training and other STEM programming
- Provide scholarships for young people to further their goal of becoming productive members of society. We provide National as well as the following Local scholarships:
– Aviation honoring the fighter and bomber pilots
– Administration and Operations honoring Ms. Callie Gentry and Mr. Nathan Thomas
– Education and History honoring Dr. Eugene Richardson, Jr (fighter pilot) that retired as a Middle School Principal in Philadelphia
– Mechanical and Engineering honoring the mechanics
– Medical and Nursing honoring Ms. Alma Bailey cadet nurse
– Leadership (For Delaware State Aviation Program Student) honoring Roscoe “Coach’ Draper flight Instructor

Mel Payne, President of Greater Philadelphia Chapter Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.