Application Action: Place “X” in appropriate box(es) to identify purpose of application:
New: First-time applicant (or previous member with more than 1-year lapse in financial membership).
Renewal: Current financial member submitting application for next membership year.
Record Update/Transfer: Submitted for change of member information (name, address, phone, status/rank, etc.).
Date: Complete as appropriate.
Title/Rank: Title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.) or Military Rank, if Active Duty/Guard/Reserve (Airmen, Sgt, Capt., etc.).
First Name/Middle Initial (MI)/Last Name: Self-explanatory.
Address Line 1/Address Line 2: Self-explanatory.
Place “X” in provided box to select ONLY this address to receive ALL correspondence/voting ballots from TAI (REVISED).
City (Base/APO/FPO) / State (Country) / Zip Code Four (Post Code): Complete as appropriate.
Home/Office/Fax/Cell Phone: Complete as appropriate.
E-Mail Address: Complete as appropriate.
Place “X” in provided box to select ONLY this address to receive ALL correspondence/voting ballots from TAI (REVISED).
Military/Civilian Status: Place “X” in appropriate boxes to identify current status:
Designation/Classification: Officer/Enlisted/Civil Service/No Military or Civil Service
Branch of Service: Air Force/Army/Space Force/Coast Guard/Marines/Navy
Status: Active Duty/Guard/Reserve/Separated/Retired; Other: Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC); Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
Highest Rank Held: Current (or if separated/retired, highest) military rank held (Airmen, SFC, CWO2, Capt., etc.).
Military/Civilian Pay Grade: Current (if separated/retired, highest) pay grade (E-1, O-3, GS-9, etc.) in military or civil service.
Years of Service: Self-explanatory.
Other Memberships. Place “X” in box(es) to identify membership in other listed organizations:
OBAP – Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals
IBAC – International Black Aerospace Council
BCAF – Bessie Coleman Aerospace Foundation
BPA – Black Pilots of America
AFCOMAP – AF Cadet Officer Mentor Action Program
NNOA – National Naval Officers Association
MPMA –Montford Point Marine Association
LINKS – The Links, Inc.
NSBE – National Society of Black Engineers
NAACP – National Assoc for the Advancement of Colored People AFA – Air Force Association
OTHER [i.e., AF Sergeants Assoc. (AFSA), Non-Commissioned Officer Assoc. (NCOA), etc.)
Print Full Name/Signature: Applicant signs to provide authorization for use of personal information for backgrounds, as required. If signing for Organizational membership, they confirm their authority to enter into agreement on behalf of applicant organization.
Membership Class: Place “X” in appropriate box to identify/assign membership class. (Dues Amount reflects National only)
Regular: Any applicant willing to work toward achievement of goals, objectives and purpose of TAI. (National: $50.00)
Student: (Formerly Youth) Applicant who is full-time student and underage of 25 interested in Tuskegee Experience. (Nat’l: $35.00)
Life: Applicant who has been accepted and paid full fee ($750.00) for National Life Membership. (or $250.00 for 3-Years to Nat’l)
Honorary: Applicant previously approved for Honorary membership by TAI Board of Directors. (Nat’l: $50.00)
Organization: Non or for-profit organization interesting in promoting, sponsoring or supporting objectives of TAI. (Nat’l: $50.00)
Membership Category: Place “X” in appropriate box to identify/assign membership category.
Experience: Applicant assigned to Tuskegee Program, unit at TAAF, or resulting unit during Jan 1941 thru Sep 1949.
Heritage: Applicant is spouse or descendant of individual confirmed and assigned to/eligible for Experience category.
Kindred: Applicant is a Brother, Sister or Relative of individual confirmed and assigned to/eligible for Experience category.
Associate: Applicant requesting membership and not eligible for inclusion in Experience, Heritage or Kindred category.


Chapter Name/Chapter Address: Self-Explanatory.
Region: Place “X” in appropriate box to identify assigned region of chapter.
Date Received: Complete with date application (and dues) received.
Amount Received: Complete with amount paid for chapter dues and National per capita dues (as applicable).
Received by: Chapter official signs certifying receipt of application (and dues).


National Office Processing
Date Received:
Complete with date application (and dues) received.
Amount Received: Complete with amount paid for chapter dues and National per capita dues (as applicable).
Received by: Chapter official signs certifying receipt of application (and dues).
Membership Processing
Date Received:
Complete with date application (and dues, as applicable) received.
Tuskegee Airmen Identification Number (TAIN): Complete on initial assignment (Entered by Chapter for renewals).
Date Forwarded to Member: Date processing completed, and document(s) sent to member.

*TAI does not provide member information or email addresses to any external organization without prior consent *